
Living with P.C.O.S

Signs of Hormonal Imbalnace

Signs of hormonal imbalance   Almost every other female in her reproductive age ( fertile age ), is directly or indirectly affected by imbalanced hormones. With present day knowledge, we can see a big increase in the graph of women those have hormonal issues or due to some underlying causes, or may be due to unawareness, are unable to have regular menstruation cycles, unable to get pregnant or facing other fertility issues. In most of these cases, the hormones that are involved causing difficulty on a larger level are: ·        Progesterone ·        Estrogen  ·        Testosterone  So, in this article, we will discuss the symptoms that will help a woman to understand, that from which hormonal imbalance she is being affected .    Progesterone: Progesterone is an exclusive female hormone; it is responsible for all the womanly feeling and appearance that a woman has throughout...


Ovulation and trying to conceive       The average menstrual cycle is of 28-32 days. The menstrual cycle has three phases. Each phase has it's own importance towards completing the reproductive cycle.                                                Menstruation                                      Follicular phase        Ovulation phase         Luteal phase                         What is OVULATION ? In each menstrual cycle, in the mid of it, the ovary (one of it) releases the mature egg from the follicle. During follicular phase, the brain gets the signals of increased estrogen due to the developing follicles. This activity is recognised by hypothalamus, and it s...

Living with P.C.O.S

Polycystic ovarian syndrome , also very commonly known as PCOS, is an hormonal imbalance or hormonal disorder and the leading cause of female infertility. Out of one in every ten women of reproduvctive age of any ethnicity is struggling with this syndrome. The actual cause of this hormonal imbalance is still not discovered. Although, there are several symptoms that shows one is having PCOS wihtout having an ultrasound done. SYMPTOMS: - Irregular or missed period  - Unwanted facial hair ( hirsutism ) - Acne and thinning of scalp hair - Mood swings - Weight gain/ obesity If you visit your gynaecologist or endocrinologist they will either perform the ultrasound,which will show them the ring formation of cysts around the ovaries or they will detect it through the blood test.The blood test will show them if the  testosterone ,  luitenizing hormone  (LH) and  follicale stimulating hormone  (FSH) are alleviated or not. Many women have trouble conceiving because if...