Signs of Hormonal Imbalnace

Signs of hormonal imbalance


Almost every other female in her reproductive age (fertile age), is directly or indirectly affected by imbalanced hormones. With present day knowledge, we can see a big increase in the graph of women those have hormonal issues or due to some underlying causes, or may be due to unawareness, are unable to have regular menstruation cycles, unable to get pregnant or facing other fertility issues.

In most of these cases, the hormones that are involved causing difficulty on a larger level are:

·      Progesterone

·      Estrogen 

·      Testosterone 

So, in this article, we will discuss the symptoms that will help a woman to understand, that from which hormonal imbalance she is being affected



Progesterone is an exclusive female hormone; it is responsible for all the womanly feeling and appearance that a woman has throughout her life. Low level of this hormone can cause the following things:

·      First trimester miscarriages.

·      Very painful periods/menstruation.

·      Blood clots while heavy period flow during menstruation.

·      Menstrual migraines, mood swings and bloating.

·      Ovarian cysts, endometriosis.

·      Irregular menstruation.

·      Tender breast during and after ovulation.

·      Disturbed progesterone may make you feel cold all the times. Especially your hands, feet and nose.


Estrogen is also a female hormone but it is a group of reproductive hormones like estriol, estradiol and estrone. It is responsible for the development of reproductive organs in female body. Many females are affected by the estrogen dominance or estrogen low levels. They would have symptoms like:

·      Ladies may have experience unusual hot flashes.

·      Irregular, poor or absent ovulation.

·      Low sex drive.

·      Frequent weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

·      Loss of hair, thinning of hair around hair line or male pattern baldness in some cases.


Testosterones are basically male hormones, but are secreted in female body too. The amount is very low but equally significant. Disturbance (usually increase) has caused a lot of problem in female from the disturbed cycles till their appearance. Some of the signs of disturbed testosterones are:

·      Very low or almost zero sex drive.

·      Weak muscles and muscular pain.

·      Fatigue and pain most of the times.

·      Weight gain around abdominal area.

·      Hirsutism.

·      Low mental focus.

·      Depression/anxiety.

·      Acne. 

·      Hinderance in ovulation.

By knowing the imbalances or at least understating the signs will take us a step further towards talking to the doctor, finding the endocrinologist and putting the hormones at right place by working on the root cause.



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